Monday, November 17, 2008

Middle-Aged Mom Means Well

The friend in my life I've known the longest (since kindergarten), Cary Campbell Umhau, has a wonderful piece in today's Washington Post on being the mother of socially conscious kids. I loved it so much, I thought you should see it, too.

Here's one of my favorite parts:

"One of my children presented me with a handy Pocket Seafood Selector from Oceans Alive that would help me determine which eco-friendly fish I should buy in restaurants or at the grocery store. I truly want to buy fish that are not farmed, that are not caught by methods that kill seabirds, and that are not endangered -- all while being sure to get enough omega-3's. Yet I would need a PhD to decipher the chart on sustainability, and without my reading glasses, I can't handle the fine print." 
There are others...

1 comment:

Boissiere said...

LOVED it....and resembled it more than I care to admit!