Following Obama's announcement last night that his daughters, Malia and Sasha, will get to take a puppy with them to the White House, The New Yorker quoted me today in my capacity as White House pet historian. Take a look. And if you have any thoughts about what to name the new first pup, feel free to leave a comment here.
Thank you so much, New Yorker!
Not a Portugese water dog! Those things are amazingly stupid. At least my parents' dog is, which has eaten some lovely blouses of mine over the years.
Good pickup by TNY! Yay!
A St.Bernard! They are wonderful and are absolutely fun. And even if they shed, so what? I am sure you can add an extra hand to vacuum the place.
I'm not a "dog person" (gasp!), so can't comment on breed. But I definitely think we should name the "one nation, one love" puppy the Purple Pooch!
Def a Porty!! Ours had eaten EVERYTHING in the last 7 years and lived to tell. Lots of laughs and tres faithful.
Portugese Water Dogs all the way! Loyal, funny...hungry. Best dogs around, I miss mine at college.
Portugese Water Dogs '08!
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